Friday, November 18, 2011

Feline Pine Scoopable in Bulk?

I've been using FPS for over a year now and love the litter but hate the price! I emailed Feline Pine to find out about purchasing it more in bulk compared to the 4lb boxes I was getting for $5 and they mapped a place down the road that has 11lb bags for $10. Not MUCH of a difference but it IS when you figure that 1 11lb. bag will fill all 4 rabbit cages, little bunny litter pans and the cat pans for about a week! The problem is that every week or so I need to go spend another $10 + tax to get another 11lb. I'd even consider paying shipping for larger bags if it's worth it, etc. I've recently been contemplating saying 'screw it!' to the scoopable and just getting the regular heavy pellets since it's cheaper. I'm not sure if the pellet litter will go as far but it is a few dollars less for a large bag. Anyone?

Feline Pine Scoopable in Bulk?
I go even cheaper.. The wood pellets for burning in a pellet stove are manufactured in the same way as regular feline pine. You just have to make sure not to buy one that has a propellant or any kind of other chemical additive. Most are just processed sawdust just like Feline Pine. Another option is to call around the feed stores and see if they have pelleted bedding. It's also the same pellets as Feline Pine, only it's sold in a 40-50 lb bag..

I only pay $4.99 for 40 lbs... I compost the rabbit litter and after scooping the poop out I also compost the cat litter, however I compost it separately to be used on my flowers while the rabbit litter is used for my herb and veggie garden.. That way it all gets used for something..
Reply:if u have money like that, go for the expensive stuff since its better.

but if not, go for the cheap stuff.

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