Friday, November 18, 2011

URGENT!!!! Pine o clean in eyes.?

Someone please help. I got pine o clean in my eyes about an hour ago. I washed it with water but still very itchy and a little sore.

URGENT!!!! Pine o clean in eyes.?
If you rinsed it well with water, that is about all you can do. The itch and soreness is a result of the damage to the very sensitive outer layer of the eye. It probably feels like sandpaper. This will probably clear up in a day or so. I accidentally dropped a drop of super glue in my eye (I thought it was eyedrops at first, till the burning started). I held my eye open while I rinsed it for 20 minutes or so. It hurt like heck for the rest of the day, then felt better the next day. Quickly rinsing it out of your eyes was the best thing you could do.
Reply:Keep flushing them with water. You may wish to go to the emergency room, too.
Reply:You seriously need to call poison control and they will be able to direct you on what to do next.
Reply:keep rinsing it alot with water.
Reply:keep putting water on your eyes and try not to rub them. If they still hurt, go to the doctor!
Reply:call the er immidietly if it's really bad.. it could be serious. BUt thats just if its really really bad.


Feline Pine Scoopable in Bulk?

I've been using FPS for over a year now and love the litter but hate the price! I emailed Feline Pine to find out about purchasing it more in bulk compared to the 4lb boxes I was getting for $5 and they mapped a place down the road that has 11lb bags for $10. Not MUCH of a difference but it IS when you figure that 1 11lb. bag will fill all 4 rabbit cages, little bunny litter pans and the cat pans for about a week! The problem is that every week or so I need to go spend another $10 + tax to get another 11lb. I'd even consider paying shipping for larger bags if it's worth it, etc. I've recently been contemplating saying 'screw it!' to the scoopable and just getting the regular heavy pellets since it's cheaper. I'm not sure if the pellet litter will go as far but it is a few dollars less for a large bag. Anyone?

Feline Pine Scoopable in Bulk?
I go even cheaper.. The wood pellets for burning in a pellet stove are manufactured in the same way as regular feline pine. You just have to make sure not to buy one that has a propellant or any kind of other chemical additive. Most are just processed sawdust just like Feline Pine. Another option is to call around the feed stores and see if they have pelleted bedding. It's also the same pellets as Feline Pine, only it's sold in a 40-50 lb bag..

I only pay $4.99 for 40 lbs... I compost the rabbit litter and after scooping the poop out I also compost the cat litter, however I compost it separately to be used on my flowers while the rabbit litter is used for my herb and veggie garden.. That way it all gets used for something..
Reply:if u have money like that, go for the expensive stuff since its better.

but if not, go for the cheap stuff.

Does pine tar soap actually work?

I've heard that pine tar soap is great for acne. (even better than proactive) If you have tried it .. can you please tell me if it actually works. Also .. is it true you need a prescription to get it?

Does pine tar soap actually work?
Well, I've never used it, but I did a search and came across this thread with people talking about the results they got:

It seems really interesting, I'm going to look into buying some myself! The brand that keeps coming up (the thread, Amazon and in internet searches) is Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap. Search it and see where it might sell near you, or buy some online.
Reply:There doesn't seem to be anything other than anecdotal evidence that pine tar is effective for acne, and it was banned from use in dandruff products by the FDA in 1990. I would recommend sticking with products that actually have clinical evidence to support their effectiveness: salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur. If over-the-counter preparations are not effective for you, it's time to see a dermatologist for more aggressive treatments.
Reply:I've used it and it works for me! I think it's great. I used Grandpa's Wonder soap. I really like the smell - but I guess a lot of people won't. I'd happily recommend it - it doesn't cost much and if it works for you then it'll be worth it - and if it doesn't then you won't have wasted much money.

And you don't need a prescription - you do need a prescription for real coal tar though. Coal tar soaps that you can buy in the shops don't actually contain coal tar any longer. Fortunately pine tar doesn't need a prescription.
Reply:I've only seen in sold (I believe) In Health-food

stores but have never heard of it working on acne,


Proactiv produces mixed results. Depending on your

kind of acne, severity, etc. you may want to use a

good face wash, and stay away from greasy foods,

- Trust me - also Coca Cola...

But - If you're looking for a more advanced remedy,

I'd recommend going to see a dermatologist...

Clinique Acne Solutions system did get me through

a bad case of acne in my teens and twenties, though!
Reply:I've seen it in health food stores. I don't know if it works on acne.
Reply:Ive heard of that to but never tried it. You dont need a prescription you can probably find it at wal-mart it is rather inexpensive.

Is pine a bad wood for my bearded dragons?

Is pine a bad wood to use for my back panel?If so can i have it covered in formica or something similar and then install it?If not what would be the most efficent 3/8 material to use?

Is pine a bad wood for my bearded dragons?
The resins in pine wood are toxic to reptiles, so I would avoid it if I were you. Why not use a sheet of 3/8" plexi-glass?
Reply:i think i would go with the Formica its easier to keep clean and it wont rot
Reply:Pine is a fine wood, my stepdad built a cage out of pine for my beardie, and he is doing fine after 1.5 years of living in it
Reply:i dont think wood is good for bearded dragons. 1. its not natural for them 2. it is hard for them to walk on it and 3. they were adapted for sand, not wood. No doubt you should go with sand, or pebbles. Its more natural and easier for them to feed.
Reply:there is nothing wrong with using pine go ahead with it but dont use it if its fresh the smell made my beardie vomit all the time after i noticed this i put him back into his old tank nothing wrong i left the pine tank for 1 month put him back in there nothing wrong with him now

Are Pine Sol fumes harmful in pregnancy????

Okay, so I had asked before if anyone was addicted to the smell of pine sol while pregnant, not knowing that the addiction to the smell only gets worse! I have actually poured it into a spray bottle so that I can spray it into the air to smell it and find myself sniffing the bottle at least once or twice a day. It's embarassing!! Is this harmful to the fetus? Does anyone else have this problem or a problem with cleaning products? I am currently 37.5 weeks pregnant - can't wait to be done so I don't have this problem anymore!!

Are Pine Sol fumes harmful in pregnancy????
I had a friend who loved the smell of permanent markers. Her doctor told her to uncap one and set it on a table, and walk by it every time she got an urge to smell it.

I don't think pine-sol is harmful unless you are inhaling. Most household cleaners are safe to use during pregnancy. I think spraying it into the air then sniffing, is much safer than sniffing it from the bottle.

Good Luck with the delivery of your wee one!!
Reply:Cleaning Products

There are mixed views about household cleaning products. There’s been limited research into their effects on pregnancy and, in general, they’re regarded as being okay to use, as long as you do so safely. One study did discover a link between exposure to cleaning products during pregnancy and an increased risk of children being affected by asthma, but no products have been specifically linked with birth defects or other serious problems.

Many women do choose to err on the side of caution though and there are certain ingredients in products that it’s worth avoiding or taking care with. For example:

Triclosan, an antibacterial agent, as it may end up in your breast milk after being inhaled.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VCO), chemicals which are found in all sorts of household cleaning products. They release pollutants when being used and some forms may cause problems for your growing baby.

Alkylphenol Ethoxylates, as they can disrupt and even mimic human hormones, and may affect your pregnancy.

If you do have to use cleaning products, especially heavy duty ones, then take care not to breathe in the products and open windows and doors when you’re using them. If you want to keep yourself and your baby as safe and well as possible, you can survive – and still retain a clean house – by opting for natural alternatives instead, or getting someone else to do your cleaning. For the adventurous, you can also go one step further by mixing up your own alternatives using easily available ingredients.
Reply:it is harmful in general. There was a study that found that cleaning products causes respitory problems in those that use them frequently.
Reply:My mom craved pine-sol. I crave Leaver 2000 refreshing body wash. In the shower I wash several times just to smell the soap. Pregnancy can be so weird lol. I wouldn't recommend sniffing from the bottle but just smelling the scent left behind shouldn't be of any harm. I wouldnt know for sure though.

games hardware

Are pine tree needles toxic for goldfish ponds?

I am thinking of making a goldfish pond in my yard, beneath three large pine trees, but I'm worried that the falling needles may be toxic for the fish.

Are pine tree needles toxic for goldfish ponds?
I have never heard of toxicity problems, but they could cause a downward pH shift over time.

To combat that, you could try running the water from your circulation pump through some crushed coral. If the water is too acidic, it will dissolve minute amounts of the coral which will buffer the water a bit and help keep the pH more stable.

Not sure what you have in mind for structure, but maybe you could incorporate something that would cover part or all of the pond and prevent some of the needles from getting in. That would also provide shade - maybe not a factor where you live tho, I don't know. (Where I live, if a pond isn't fairly deep it will get overly hot in the summer - so shade is a consideration)

A covering may also help protect the fish from predators - again, may be different where you live, but I had a heck of a time keeping Egrets from using my pond as a buffet.
Reply:Hi While they are not toxic I would strongly suggest not building a pond anywhere near a pine tree unless you have a suitably sized netting to prevent any falling in. The needles %26amp; cones fallen form the tree are a very real danger to the fish as they will almost certainly get them stuck in their throat %26amp; gills which is fatal if not removed. Check any moderated pond forum or site for confirmation of this hazard-it's far more common that many people realise.
Reply:don't build it under any type of tree, it will work you to death trying to keep the leaves out, believe me

Are pine trees toxic to cats?

I am thinking about getting a real Christmas tree this year... but we have a 7 mo. old kitten who chews everything... including houseplants! Does anyone out there know if pine trees (specifically Douglas Fir, Scotch Pine and White Pine) are toxic/poisonous to cats?? Thanks!

Are pine trees toxic to cats?
Hi Melanie...real Christmas trees are more dangerous to cats than fake plastic ones. Pine needles can puncture internal organs if eaten, they are also toxic to cats. If you do have a real tree, make sure the drink stand has plenty of water to prevent the tree drying out %26amp; losing needles. It is important that your cat isn't able to get to this water %26amp; drink it as it could result in poisoning. Ensure the tree has a good solid base so it won't easily be knocked over by your cat.

Cited Source:
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:Pine trees aren't toxic to cats at all. But there are other hazards to be aware of, even when you mix a cat with an artificial tree. Loose tinsel, for instance, can block a cat's intestines with potentially lethal results(use garland instead). Likewise, your cat may be tempted to bat at or chew on ornaments. Keep any fragile ones out of reach of your cat as well as any ornaments with small parts(which can pose a choking hazard). If you are interested in controlling inappropriate chewing behaviors in you kitten, you can try bitter taste deterrent sprays available at pet supply shops. They will work with many items that you don't want your feline friend to chew.
Reply:No, pine trees aren't posionious to cats. Think of it this way, if they were living in the wild it doesn't hurt them, so why should it now? And, plus, cats have strong stomachs!
Reply:Pine trees aren‘t, but yew trees are,

However, you would hardly put up a yew tree at Christmas.

(Pine trees have stems, yew trees are rather bush-like)

And any cat munching away on a yew tree would raise a few eyebrows, I’m sure.

Are pine trees/pine needles harmful to yorkshire terriers?

My yorkie puppy always loves to run around outside. There's a pine tree outside and she loves to run behind it and then she gets sap and pine needles in her fur. We recently blocked it off because it was a hassle trying to get the gunk out of her fur, but is it also harmful?

Are pine trees/pine needles harmful to yorkshire terriers?
If she eats it, they can cause intestinal problems. Grooming is a real pain. Try some Goo Gone.
Reply:Only if they eat it
Reply:No its not harmful just a pain in the butt to get out of their fur after. Pinecones can be harmful if eaten because of the sharp pieces that can perforate the intestinebut the needles and sap on the dogs fur wont hurt them its just messy and annoying.
Reply:If they would eat them it could do internal damage..especially in a delicate small breed..Rake them up...!

What type of pine tree has pinoli nuts?

i was told that pinoli (pine nuts) come from a pine tree but i'd like to know which type of pine tree. i have pine trees on my property but haven't noticed any nuts.

What type of pine tree has pinoli nuts?
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:There are several different pine trees throughout the world from which pine nuts are harvested. Report It

Reply:There is a small pinion bush in New Mexico,where i have had the pleasure to visit, and they say the pinion nut is edible.
Reply:The North American edible pine nut is the seed of the Pinyon Pine, Pinus edulis.
Reply:By any chance are you talking about piñon (pronounced pinion) nuts? They grow on the Piñon pine tree in New Mexico. In fact the Piñon tree is the state tree for NM. The piñon nuts are small, they have a hard brown shell and inside there is a small white and very delicious nut. The piñon nuts are often sold in the spring on the roadsides. They are usually roasted. I Hope this helps.


Poem -Bantam in Pine-Woods by Wallace Stevens?

3. Here’s a poem about a man’s encounter with a rooster in the woods The poem is written as if the rooster is addressing the poet as “Chieftan Iffucan of Azcan.”

Bantam in Pine-Woods

By Wallace Stevens

Chieftain Iffucan of Azcan in caftan

Of tan with henna hackles, halt!

Damned universal cock, as if the sun

Was blackamoor to bear your blazing tail.

Fat! Fat! Fat! Fat! I am the personal.

Your world is you. I am my world.

You ten-foot poet among inchlings. Fat!

Begone! An inchling bristles in these pines,

Bristles, and points their Appalachian tangs,

And fears not portly Azcan nor his hoos.

3. Here’s a poem about a man’s encounter with a rooster in the woods The poem is written as if the rooster is addressing the poet as “Chieftan Iffucan of Azcan.”

Bantam in Pine-Woods

By Wallace Stevens

Chieftain Iffucan of Azcan in caftan

Of tan with henna hackles, halt!

Damned universal cock, as if the sun

Was blackamoor to bear your blazing tail.

Fat! Fat! Fat! Fat! I am the personal.

Your world is you. I am my world.

You ten-foot poet among inchlings. Fat!

Begone! An inchling bristles in these pines,

Bristles, and points their Appalachian tangs,

And fears not portly Azcan nor his hoos.

Describe three effects that poet creates with sound. Suggest how they might relate to the meaning of the poem. Is there a distinctive tone or attitude here?

Poem -Bantam in Pine-Woods by Wallace Stevens?
This article, Art As a Way of Knowing takes care of all those questions:

Tone and Attitude:

the tone is analytically off-beat. The general atmosphere is comically logical.

" Poetry is a response to the daily necessity of getting the world right."

-Wallace Stevens, poet


There are many reasons for the case for poetry, including these: (1) poetry increases one's sense of knowledge about language and visual literacy; (2) poetry contributes to the affective education of students; (3) poetry acts as a preserver of felt experiences; (4) poetry suggests flow and momentum while at the same time provides a pattern and shaping of experience, setting expectations that are sometimes fulfilled and sometimes subverted; (5) poetry teaches its readers that ambiguity is a part of life - that life is tentative, exploratory and even vague and that this is okay though it can be uncomfortable; and (6) poetry gives pleasure and is capable of generating laughter as well as feelings of well-being.


Back to Wallace:

Of tan - often

tangs - things

hoos - ??

Your world is you. I am my world.


Magical inventiveness to capture oral speech:

Invention sometimes seems doubly magical, pulling real rabbits from imaginary hats, and romantics mystify creation as unaccountable leaps of unfathomable genius from nothing much to just what the artist ordered. Still rhetoricians know, in the words of Wallace Stevens, that even “the absence of the imagination had itself to be imagined.”

Coined terms for aural effects:

Formulating inventional precepts can be fun and instructive. But as that last precept cautions, principles of invention are never automatic recipes for success. And as the two prior directives show, the reliance of principles on situational judgments means that precepts of invention can be antithetical in statement yet valid and valuable in practice. The proof is in the performance.

Rhetorical inventions as innovations in scholarly form:

Seldom are the inspirations or ingredients for a rhetorical invention as surprising in themselves as in the company they keep and the functions they perform. Inventions often take their formal elements from genres grown neglected, familiar elsewhere, rarely combined, or scarcely developed for the inquiries common in relevant fields.

Get someone to read it out loud at the supper table while you’re tying into your chicken mushroom casserole. Hilarity may or may not ensue.
Reply:This has to got to be one of the easiest HW assignments I've seen posted on here. Did you even bother to read the poem? Are you even somewhat functionally literate? I can't imagine it was even worth the time it took to write all this -- and twice, at that.

Is pine bedding bad for my hamster should I switch to aspen?

Well when i got my first hammie the pet store guy said to use pine i used it and it was fine then buddy died a year and 4months later. i have my second hamster and he is using pine bedding..i had him for 7months..i tihnk he is getting old now since he isnt active anymore....the pine bedding is a bit dusty and such it makes me sneeze but seems fine to my hamster..? if it bads should i switch and how should i introduce the new bedding to him?

Is pine bedding bad for my hamster should I switch to aspen?
I would switch bedding! I've never had any luck with pine with my rodents. I had a pet rat and the bedding made her sneeze and made her eyes swell up. I switch over to corn cob and she got much better and it actually extended her life by about 6 months. It also seemed to irritate my rabbits and mice. I personally would go with corn cob or a low dust hay. Alfalfa was pretty good to mix with the cob so my little guys could build huts and tunnels

Oh and how to introduce it? Just when it's time for the next cage cleaning replace all the old with a new alternative. Also maybe get him/her a box or hut to live in if you don't have one inbetween cage cleanings they always have something from before, so each cage cleaning isn't a shock each time. Observe what happens. See his/her reaction. She if the sneezing stops, if interaction is more common. Also remember that rodents (which includes hamsters) are nocturnal creatures...they tend to be more active at night. Good luck email me if you have any questions.
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:When I bought my guinea pig, an employee at the pet store told me that I should ONLY use Aspen bedding. It produces less dust, it doesn't have any annoying scents that could harm the rodent, and it stays fresh longer. My guinea pig was with me for almost three years before I had to give him away (because I was moving out of state)! I don't know if that had anything to do with the Aspen bedding, but maybe it's worth a try with your hamster.
Reply:I'd switch to either Critter Care or Care Fresh, they are hypo-allergenic littrs. Some hamster can have an allergy to aspen. Never use pine or cedar, they cause health problems with their lungs. Just clean the cage and put the new litter in and put the hamster back. I've been teaching the employees at the pet store I use about the hazards of the different wood litters and talk to customers when I'm there that are buying small animals about the litters also.
Reply:You should only put you hamster on aspen bedding because it has the least amount of dust and that will help to keep your hamster healthy. If you want your hamster to live longer that a year and a half then change it now so that you can enjoy your hamster for a long time.
Reply:dont use pine

read the first few sentences

i hate pet store workers, the majority of them are irresponsible and don't care about animals like they should.

pine is bad for the respiratory system, switch please. OR worse, a hamster can be allergic even.
Reply:Pine bedding can be dangerous to small animals.

I would switch to CareFresh (paper product) or aspen if CareFresh is not available.
Reply:I always use aspen for my rodents. :) It doesn't have an odor (or not much of one) and produces very little dust. I've never read anything about pine being bad for rodents; cedar is the only harmful bedding I know of. But I agree with the others who have answered; switch to aspen. :)
Reply:Definately... one of the first things drilled into my head when I worked at Petsmart was to never sell the pine or cedar chips. Aspen is definately the best. You won't have to worry about respiratory probs. Carefresh is good... however it's also pretty good at absorbing fungus and bacterias so you really have to stay on top changing it regularly.
Reply:Aspen or pine are both fine for the hamster. Only cedar chips have been shown to cause problems. If the pine bothers you, switch to aspen. Try to find a product called Sani-Chips, if they're not in the small animal aisle check the reptile section. They are aspen, but they're laboratory grade chips that are very tiny- I'm talking like 1mm x 1mm squares- and they have virtually no dust or odor to speak of. I use them for my reptiles, and they're fantastic.

You don't have to worry about switching it, just throw out the old stuff and stick in the new stuff. He'll adapt.
Reply:Anything with a strong smell is going to iritate your little rodent. Aspen is the best. Cedar is the worst. :) but I agree, just buy a small amount of a new bedding and try it. see if it gets better. If not then try a diferent one. you could also try misting your shavings before putting them into the cage, this will help keep the dust down. you may want to try straw, its messy but wont be harmful.

anyways, good luck

Is pine crest swim camp fun?

pine crest swim camp in florida

Is pine crest swim camp fun?
I've heard some good things about it. My general opinions on camps are they're a waste of time and money but kids usually enjoy them. So if you want to go to camp- go. If you're asking which camps are the best - I prefer the Total Performance swim camps. I like what my swimmers come back with from those camps the best.
Reply:mine friend goes there and she LOVES it. so i'm assuming its fun if you are a good swimmer.
Reply:are you going to this camp? I just signed up yesterday? It better be fun, but i only heard good things about it so i'm sure it will be.

Will Pine-sol seep through a plastic bottle?

I accidentally got some Pine-sol onto my conditioner bottle. Do you think any of it seeped into the conditioner formula? Should I toss the bottle out now?

Thank you.

Will Pine-sol seep through a plastic bottle?
i would not worry nothing got through the plastic.
Reply:itll be fine
Reply:Pine-sol is sold i a plastic bottle. So no.
Reply:Just rinse off the bottle and it will be fine....


Is pine bedding really bad?

I have pine bedding for bunny....and I wondered if its poisonous, or extremely harmful? Thanks...oh, and please at least "semi-professional" answers from ppl with experience!

Is pine bedding really bad?
Pine bedding is fine you do not want to use CEDAR bedding for any type of small animal. When their urine mixes with it it produces a gas that can cause respitory infections and even death.

Stay away from cedar except to put in dog and cat beds to repel fleas.

I have used pine shavings and pine sawdust in my rabbit trays for over 12 years and have never had a problem.
Reply:I heard Pine Bedding is bad,I think it's Poisonous.That's why we used some Snake Bedding for my 2 mouses..
Reply:i've raised bunnies all my life and YES! IT IS VERY POISONOUS! do not give them that for bedding! they might eat it, and die. or get vary sick!
Reply:i used pine on my guinea pig and she lived 7 years. i think its red pine or red ceader thats not good for them.
Reply:I own a bunny, and we use pine chips and they are the best for the aniaml, you dont want to use cedar chips because they splinter and can go in there feet.
Reply:I think that pine bedding is fine for bunnies, I believe it's just hamsters it's toxic for. But I'm not positive, check with someone at the pet store!
Reply:Yes, because its harsh to the lining of their stomache. I gave it to my rabbits and they were sick from it, also you have to change the cage almost every day. It smells pretty bad also.
Reply:Although a bit out of date this resource will help you:

Unless the data has changed, pine is bad IF the individual is allergic to it, but cedar is toxic.



which is

Inflammatory response and genotoxicity of seven wood dusts in the human epithelial cell line A549.


Mutat Res. 2007 Aug 15;632(1-2):78-88. Epub 2007 May 21.


notice that all 7 wood dusts tested created some degree of inflammation (and other effects that may not interest you) but that the degrees differed.

Is Pine-Sol safe on dishes?

Is pine sol safe on dishes?

I have an aunt who is visiting my sister, and my sister called up this morning to tell me how upset she is because our aunt loves doing the dishes with pine sol. My sister has always used liquid dish detergent and a bit of bleach but it seems that our aunt has taken over and everytime my sister tells her she doesn't like it our aunt just ignores her and does it her way anyway. I really don't think this is right, i mean i am sure pine-sol will leave a residue on the dishes that can then be very harmfull to us. Am i wrong?

Is Pine-Sol safe on dishes?
I would never use that on dishes! That could make someone really sick!
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:You are not wrong, that can be very dangerous and fatal! Tell you aunt to stop doing that.

Does pine pitch leave an oil slick?

I had a tree branch fall and penetrate the ground, when removing the limb I noticed a pocket of water with an oil slick on it. Could this be caused by pitch or sap from the pine? I'm concerned because I live next to an oil distributor and this was near their storage drums.

Does pine pitch leave an oil slick?

What types of Pine Trees are in Brooklyn, NY ?

I have three pine trees in my front yard, and I never thought I would have to know the name of it until now. This is for a homework assignment, and I need to know the name of the pine tree.

It's just the right size for a house, not too big, not too small. It's sort of "chubby" and it's green with some yellow. The leaves are sorta like needles with designs on it.

Do you know the name of this pine tree? Please help mee !

You can also name ANY type of pine tree that can be grown by people in the city, anything that will help !!

What types of Pine Trees are in Brooklyn, NY ?
Pine? Whew, that tough. Are you sure its a pine and not a spruce?

Lets try this. Look at the needles. When you pluck them off, to do come off together, like in a small bunch? (fassicle) If so, it is a pine.

If it has 2 needles, and if they are sort of twisty, and if the trunk near the top looks orangish, its a Scots Pine. Pinus sylvestris.

If not, but still has 2 needles chances are its a red pine. Pinus resinosa.

If it has 5 needles, its a white pine. Pinus strobis.

Now, if the needles dont come in those bunches its most likely a spruce. These needles will attach single to the branch and will leave a little bump where they are plucked off (sterigmata). Now, if the needles are REALLY sharp, its a Blue spruce. Picea pungens. If the cones are pretty big (5 inches or more) and the branches droop, and off of the main branches, branches go down, then its most likely a Norway spruce. Picea abies.

Hope this helps. Its the best I can do with such a limited description and from what I know grows in Brooklyn. (ive been there, im from syracuse!)
Reply:Pinus strobus Eastern White pine ...needles in bundles of five and branches radiate at the same levels


How old do pine trees have to be to produce pine cones?

i was supposedly told that pine trees have to be 60 years old,,

my Dad planted my pine tree 10 years ago and it's producing pine cones...can someone please help me!

How old do pine trees have to be to produce pine cones?
They must reach puberty, then they reproduce. Just like humans.

To grow a pine tree, do you have to plant a pincone?

I want to grow a pine tree, i planted a pine cone, is that how you do it. If not, please tell me how.

To grow a pine tree, do you have to plant a pincone?
No you you have to use a ice cream cone
Reply:While a pine cone is what contains the seeds of a pine tree, it can be tricky getting a tree to grow from one. Here's a site with some tips:
Reply:Not the whole pine cone. the seeds are in between the scales of the pine cone. They are flat, ovalish seeds usually (except for pinyon pines, which are round and hard, and can be shelled and eaten). They fall out pretty quickly when the cones open, so the best way to get them is to pick a cone off the tree that has turned brown, but not opened yet. Put it in a warm place in an open container (not plastic) that will catch the seeds when it pops open. Then you can plant the seeds. They may need a cold period to germinate. You can keep them in the refrigerator or freezer for 6-8 weeks before planting.
Reply:stratify fresh seeds in freezer for 3-4 months

then plant in garden

or go to an area where there are pine trees and get a seedling from below one of them

We have so many at my work that we hit them with roundup to keep tham from taking over.

yeah it makes me cringe too.
Reply:The seeds come from the cone, you don't have to plant the whole cone, just the seed. Pine trees like well drained soil, in other words, if the water sits for a long time on top of the ground you do not have well drained soil. They do not need much in the way of fertilizer but do like acid soil. Most commercial fertilizers have some sulfer in them, this will lower the soil ph to good levels. More is not better when adding fertilizer. Try starting your seeds in flower pots first. When they are about 4 inches tall you can plant them outside. Good Luck !

What Type of Pine Tree Can I Use for Landscaping?

What type of pine tree is best for landscaping? Are there types that grow faster than others? Or I am open for other tree suggestions?

Some of my yard is fenced but there is a field in the back and I would like to grow a row of pine for privacy and to help block some of the North wind.

What Type of Pine Tree Can I Use for Landscaping?
Red pine (pinus resinosa) grows quickly (12-18 inches per year) to 20-30 feet high and is hearty in most climates with low maintenance and water requirement. They are pretty, though dead needles can be messy. Another of my favorites is Virginia juniper. They are lacy and smell wonderful after a rain. If you are in warmer climate, holly trees make a great windbreak.

Help with finding pine cone stuff.?

I need to find mini pine cones to glue in the middle of a bow. I looked in art stores everywhere in denver and cant find them.

I also need pine cone place card holders, but have only been able to find one on line that are $35/set of four. Im not paying that.

Please help!

Help with finding pine cone stuff.?
for small pine cones

Place card holders are so expensive. You'd probably do better making those as well

they have Pine Cone Favors @ $2.95 each,

go online to look for mini pine cones or check with Jo-Ann Fabric, Ben Franklin Craft, Michaels, check these stores online
Reply:I've listed a couple of sites that have miniature pine cones available for purchase. Your best bet would probably be the first one, but I've left that up to your budget.,c103479,...

As for pine cone place card holders, finding any online is nearly impossible. I've checked through about 25+ sites. The closest thing I've found are these, in which you could replace the pine cone tag with a small card that has the person's name on it.

I think your best bet if you're determined to have these is indeed to make them yourself. There are a couple of guides online. Good luck! I hope you find what you want.


Pine bedding for my water dragons?

i have an old bag of pine bedding for my old hamster, is it ok for me to use it with my water dragons?

Pine bedding for my water dragons?
It depends on the type of bedding, it should be free of chemicals and dyes because it will become wetter than with a hamster. You shouldn't use it if it's shredded bedding, just chips. Keep in mind lizards don't intentionally put wood in their mouth like hamsters. Almost anythings possible with reptiles.
Reply:No. Absolutely not. Pine bedding has pine oil in it that can be deadly to all reptiles. I highly suggest that you either use aspen or newspaper.

Pine Sol?!?

Can you use pine sol on wood floors?

Pine Sol?!?
Their FAQ recommends not using on wood surfaces.
Reply:I just told you in yoour other question that you could. Chec the label and it tells you what its used for. The commercials specifially show the lady using it on wood floors lol So people that say it can't are lying.
Reply:White people smell like pine
Reply:Yes, just check the label for that info for certain.

PS... nice avatar pic... you're a lil hottie aren't ya
Reply:I dont think so, get a specialty cleaner..I think Minwax is a good one or Murphy's oil soap
Reply:Yes, cool water...rinse with plain water. Murphy's soap would be better. Pine sol bothers my cat, makes her cough.
Reply:no wai thats impossible
Reply:I believe so. Read the label
Reply:I warn that it will make it like an ice rink

PINE, CO - Anyone know how the real estate market is doing there?

Have a contingency contract on my house and they just put their house on the market in Pine, CO.

PINE, CO - Anyone know how the real estate market is doing there?
Like everywhere else. ellers are hving a tough time. But the future is looking better.

PINE, CO - Anyone know how the real estate market is doing there?

Have a contingency contract on my house and they just put their house on the market in Pine, CO.

PINE, CO - Anyone know how the real estate market is doing there?
Like everywhere else. ellers are hving a tough time. But the future is looking better.


Pine tree question?

i have noticed when driving on the freeway that the pine trees often only have branches at the very top. the rest are cut off. why is this?

Pine tree question?
Some varieties of pine will drop any limb that fails to feed itself. The first to go will be those shaded by the ones above them. But if you happen to be looking at lodgepole pine, they tend to grow so closely together that only top branches get any amount of sunlight. This allows them to be a very tall straight pole that is often used for hydro poles.
Reply:Pines grow what is called a candle, they do this in the early spring and the candles continue to grow into new branches all the way through summer.

Once winder hits these candles are the branches that next years candles will grow on.

Most pine trees will have many little sprouts all along the trunk of the tree as well, this is called back budding.

The main reason why these trees grow mostly at the top is because they are still reaching up to over grow the other trees nearby.

Pine cones are evenly spaced on a circular wreath. The third pine cone is opposite the ninth pine cone.?

How many pine cones are on the wreath?

This is my sisters math problem that she can't figure out. That's how its written in the book. I'm thinking they didn't give enough information. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Pine cones are evenly spaced on a circular wreath. The third pine cone is opposite the ninth pine cone.?
The third cone is opposite the ninthe cone it means if we join the third and the ninth cone , a diameter of the circle would be formed.

Between 3'rd and 9'th cones there are 5 cones on each semi circle.

So total no of cones = 2+5+5 = 12
Reply:Think of a clock(or go look at one). Aren't 3 and 9 opposite each other? since there are 12 numbers on a clock, there are 12 pine cones on the wreath.
Reply:If cones are evenly spaced and you have two that are across from each other, then if you draw a line between the two, you should have the same number of cones on either side of the line. In between cones #3 and #9, you have cones #4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. This means you must have five cones in between #9 and #3. So the total number of comes is 5 plus 5 plus the two cones on the line (3 and 9), giving you 12.

You could have also noticed that 3 and 9 are opposite on a clock face, and there are 12 numbers on a clock. But the same reasoning applies.

Pine floors?

Know anything about pine wood floors? NOT HEART pine, just pine. Is it durable? Is it rustic looking?

Pine floors?
sand it seal it and put several coats of finish on it , and you should enjoy it for many years.
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:not durable at all, pine is very soft it will show marks and especially dogs claw marks. Pretty wood but requires more maintenance and re sanding than oak.
Reply:Pine can make beautiful flooring and can be durable but must be coated properly. Multiple coats of polyurethane with light sanding and clean up in between each coat is necessary. I used to install wood flooring and loved the light, bright look of pine. If you are looking for a rustic look, you can stain the pine first prior to the coats of poly.
Reply:all wood floors require sealing and many types of sealant are designed for different uses but polyurethane is a good one just add a couple of extra coats too get a thicker finish ... and if you want a super hard finish go to a boating supply store and get the coating that is used on timber boats it costs a little more but if you get the right one (brand names vary depending on supplier) you can literally hit the finished coating with a hammer and its like hitting a piece of steel plate
Reply:I put pine floors in my log house that I built about 10 years ago. I used 2X6 tongue and groove. It was used for the floor of the second story. The under side was visible as the ceiling on the main floor. It was very durable, but it does take several coats of poly-urethane to keep it from scratching easily. It also tended to shrink a little bit, and the joints would show small cracks. This did give it a rustic look, and the cracks weren't so large that dirt would get stuck in them. It has worked well for me.

Pine Oak Show?

Do anyone know who did the photography at the last Pine oak show?

Pine Oak Show?
Where was it located?


Whats best for pine needle irritation?

I was putting out pine needles, as I spread them out, I got pine needle irritation all over my arms, what is best for the irritation?

Whats best for pine needle irritation?
Moisten baking soda, make a paste %26amp; apply to arms. Let set for 5-10 minutes, then rinse gently with cold water. Pat dry %26amp; apply Cortisone Cream 3 times daily. For extra relief use Lanacaine Cream as needed. You should have marked improvement within hours. Hope this info helps! Good luck!

Pine tree stumps?

How do I get rid of pine tree stumps ? I know about grinding but I have way to many to grind and I have plenty of time to let them rot I just want to speed up the time it takes. I could also burn them, so what would you use to get them started burning?

Pine tree stumps?
Any stumpkiller from garden center. Drill holes and apply therein.
Reply:wow, no to the tires, sorry Mr. Dirt. Have you ever smelled burning rubber? Do you honestly think that is good for our environment? I don't think so. If you don't want to grind them, you can use the product Mr. Dirt recommends, but it will take some time, my experience was it almost took as long as letting them rot by themselves. So, your options are good old fashion hard work (take a pick ax and start picking and shoveling) or burning. He's right, call your local fire department and see if it's allowed and give them a heads up you will be burning. Stumps are going to take a really long time, Some, depending on size, days! Just throw dry twigs and leaves around it and get it going. It's just like a camp fire, only you are dealing with moist wood unless your trees were cut down a long time ago. Pine however burns fast, so even when moist, it will burn quick. (quick is relative to size of stumps). I would chop up the top of your stump so it is jagged, not flat and smooth from a chainsaw. Gives nooks and crevices for the fire to catch onto. It will take patience. Don't start more fires that you can control with a hose. You said you had lots of stumps...don't let this get out of control. Make sure the debris around each fire is far enough away that it won't catch fire and 'run' from one place to the next. Never leave fires unattended. One spark is all it takes. Don't pick a windy day. Since this could take a long time, you need to dedicate the time so you will be there. We start fires and garden or mow, but we never leave the area and watch it often. If we have a big fire and we're tired, we put a hose to it and put it out completely before we go to bed. It takes a bit to start back up, but with enough dry wood on top, it will catch. Nice steam too. LOL. Just be safe, Start your stumps with a fire on top. Fire will burn top down. Don't recommend marshmallows, Pine isn't good for you. Not until it's burned for a long time, and the smoke is clean anyway. Have fun.
Reply:you could use a product calle STUMP ROT--- drill holes in the stump and pour it in ,, takes several months for it to rot enough to destroy,, to burn them,, if it s permitted where you live,, put a couple of old car tires over the stump,, pour about a gallon of diesel fuel on it to get it started,, if you can make a metal wind break up close to the stump this will help,, kinda like burning stuff in a barrel
Reply:We had oak stumps in our yard and I took Charcoal and placed on the top of the stump and lit it. It may take a day or two but it will burn it out. Them you fill in the hole with dirt. Being pine it want take long.
Reply:i have pulled lots of stumps the old way dig around the stump start cutting the big roots with an axe then gently pulling them with a horse but iguess a horse is out of the question so a 1/2 ton will do you do it in steps ,alittle pull cut more roots another pull then out it comes fill the hole ,easy.

Pine Cone Project?

Would anyone know what to put on a pine cone to keep it from closing in water, it needs to be kept in the water for about 8 hours, its for my wedding table centerpiece I found a way to keep them from floating but nothing to keep them from closing, please help!

Pine Cone Project?
Hi i tried that thing before, but what i did i placed silicone in between the spaces of the pine cones, hot glue will work too, if you're planning for a holiday wedding, you can also add beads and rhinestone in between the cones for a sparkling/ christmasie effect, Good luck!
Reply:not sure but try keeping them in warm water.
Reply:Maybe spray them with clear spray paint? Would it be possible to use fake pine cones?

Why does my puppy go mad over pine cones?

She won't walk properly on the lead at all as soon as she sees pine cones. If there are none she is doing really well. Today I didn't think and took her to the pine woods and it was a nightmare. She goes completely crazy for pine cones and pine tree sticks. Why? Anyone else had this problem?

She is a staffie!


Why does my puppy go mad over pine cones?
it's probably because of a mixture of the unusual smell and texture. The weirder something is the more they tend to like it and the way it tastes and feels in their mouth can make them like it even more since they explore their immediate environment with their mouth.
Reply:My dog does too and he's now 2 and a half. A border collie. Adores balls too and wants to play all the time. I have nightmares about pine cones!!! glad to hear you have the same problem!x
Reply:My Black Lab goes nut for them.

I go out walking with a golf club and as a result I hit one and he tried to grab it and it hit him in the eye.

Emergency vet call out etc etc.

You would think he would now hate them? No way he loves them even more so the golf club stays at home!
Reply:Had several dogs , never heard of this !!!!!
Reply:she is probably not around it normally, and likes the smell maybe.. new things makes all puppies go crazy.. my little 9-week old Sammy is a beast everyday to somthing new.. lol

Reply:Can't tell you why - but can sympathise! My Lancashire Heelers love pine cones too - mostly so they can shred them into tiny pieces that I then stand on, come to think of it - maybe that's why they find them so amusing.

I had a lovely display of fir cones in the fireplace at christmas last year... natural ones and the odd gold sprayed one... then left the fire guard out of the way for five minutes and had a lovely seasonal display of chewed up and spat out fir cones...
Reply:I think she just thinks they are toys....they are no threat to her that I know pup likes them too as well as leaves that blow...


Pine Allergy, can anyone help?

Every time my bf comes home from work, my allergies go psycho over the pine dust he brings home from work. if i inhale it i can barely breathe and my neck and throat hurts! he's not in a position to leave at the moment and im not gonna to leave him when we love each other so much.

Can anyone suggest anything i can do or take even that might make the allergy back off a little? im really stuck on this. comments and replies greatly appreciated.

Pine Allergy, can anyone help?
It's very important that you see a physician about this.

Your uncomfortable allergic reaction can suddenly become an anaphylactic one, in which your blood pressure drops and your bronchial mucosa (lung tissues) become so swollen you cannot breathe. Anaphylaxis can be fatal, and is more likely to occur every time you're exposed to an allergen such as the pine dust.

Your boyfriend may need to shower and change clothes before he sees you after work. This may be difficult if you live together and he doesn't have any other place to shower, but repeated exposure to the dust on his skin, hair and clothes can be potentially deadly to you.
Reply:Pine products also include pine resin, also known as rosin or colophony, which is known to pool players and mountain climbers. Pine resin is also used in adhesives, paints and varnishes, inks and in

sizing for paper, paperboard and fabrics (Sadhra 1994). Abietic acid itselfitself elicits

relatively weak allergic responses, however, a number of compounds formed by

air oxidation of abietic acid are potent contact allergens (Hausen 1989, Karlberg

1988). What happens to asthmatics if they continue to be exposed? Another study of the British Columbian sawmill workers followed 48 of the workers with asthma who

remained on the job. Although 10% of the patients improved, none of them

recovered, 62% remained stable and 38% got worse (Cote 1990). Thus, it seems

imperative that an individual with cedar- or pine-induce asthma be removed from

exposure for any possibility of recovery, and that the recovery occurs among

humans only in half of all cases at best. The probability of recovery is likely to be

lower for small mammals.
Reply:If they have showers at work may be he can do one and clean change of cloths.

But you will need to go to the doctors and they can help you.

Would natural knotty pine ceilings and natural hickory cabinets look ok with darker color oak hardwood floors?

We are building a new cape cod style home with a very open floorplalots of natural light and cathedral ceilings. The kitchen and living area are one great room. We have natural knotty pine on the ceilings, our kitchen cabinets are natural hickory and I am thinking of putting in oak hardwood floors that are called "Saddle" it is the name of the color. They are dark brown but not super dark. I am thinking that the dark floors will bring the knotts in the pine and the dark streaks in the hickory cabines all together. Will this be too much?

Would natural knotty pine ceilings and natural hickory cabinets look ok with darker color oak hardwood floors?
yes, i think it will be too much wood ...considering the different grain textures and colors. i think a flagstone,slate,or ceramic tile would look much better.
Reply:General rule of thumb is no more than three different species of wood in the same room.

That sounds like it is/will be a very sharp room and think those colors will go well together.

With all the beautiful natural wood, it seems a shame to put a floor in that has a dark stain. You may want to think about finding a darker natural wood.

With the open floor plan and the high ceilings, a natural American cherry would be striking.

Pine shavings for hamsters?

I have noticed in a previous answer that a lot of people say that pine shavings are bad for hamsters. I have kept hamsters for many years now, and this is the first time that I have heard anything negative about pine. Why are pine shavings bad?

Pine shavings for hamsters?
In pine, the main irritant is abietic acid, sometimes called sylvic acid. Hamsters exposed to cedar and pine wood over long periods of time have shown a clear link with chronic chest disease1. There is also a possible link with cancer and liver damage but the results of various studies are unclear and conflicting
Reply:many people say pine is bad because it has some toxic chemical in it, it may or may not affect the life span of your hamster, but its best to stay on the safe side and buy a different kind. I always used aspin and my gerbils lived to be almost 5 years old.

Hope i helped!

wishing you a long and happy life for your hamster!
Reply:pine is VERY BAD. It has harmful chemicals in it to make it smell good, and it will lead to respatory problems in the future, they are not safe for hamsters, or any other animals in that matter

you need to switch to something safer, i have owned many hasmters, and right now i have 3 and i use carefresh, this is made of paper, is very soft, and is absorbes their waste very well

switch to a safer bedding, it might be more expensive, but its worth it if you are keeping your hamster safe
Reply:In addition to the aromatic oils irritaing their lungs, wood shavings can harbor mites, even if the package says they've been sterilized. Recycled paper bedding is healthier, and lasts alot longer.
Reply:pine shavings are bad for hamsters because the smell can be to strong for them and it can kill them.

Pine Tip Moth Larvae, how do I get rid of them?

My pine trees are being eaten by the Pine Tip Moth Larvae. We have 8 trees about 7 feet high. I have been using Ortho® Bug-B-Gon® MAX® Garden %26amp; Landscape Insect Killer Ready-to-Use, but that doesn't seem to work on most of them. Any ideas what else I can do to save my pine trees?

Pine Tip Moth Larvae, how do I get rid of them?
At the first sign of infestation in early spring, prune the pine tree (if possible) and destroy any visibly infested branches and twigs. In mid-May or June you should spray the infested pines with an insecticide that contains acephate. Respray again approximately two to three weeks later. If reinfestation still occurs, you are most likely dealing with the Nantucket tip most. In this case, you will need to spray every fourth week from late April to late August in order to kill off all generations of this pesky pine tree tip moth.

I also recommend applying a fairly new product by Bayer Advanced called 12 Month Tree and Shrub Insect Control. You apply it in the fall and it will protect your tree for 12 full months. The great thing about this is that you mix it with water and pour it around the drip line of the tree - NO SPRAYING!!! It has solved alot of the pest problems I have had, like tent caterpillars, lace bugs, aphids, etc...

Good Luck! If all else fails, call your local extension service or arborist and see what they have had success with in your area.

Wisdom Teeth

Pine vs. Cedar shavings?

I've heard that for small animals (ie. guinea pigs) you don't want to use Cedar shavings. Are pine shavings bad as well??

Pine vs. Cedar shavings?
Yes they are bad as well. They contain aromatic oils that can lead to a whole mess of problems.

If you want to use wood shavings, stick with Aspen, which is safe. Even better are the paper based bedding options. I use a bedding that looks like little paper balls. It's fairly inexpensive, seems comfortable and absorbs odors really well. Add it's completely safe. You can also use treated pine beddings. For example, pine pellet bedding as the treatment renders it safe. I personally do not like these because when soiled they basically turn into sawdust which can irritate lungs.
Reply:Hi, in the past, cedar was widely used because it was a deodorizer as well as it kept fleas %26amp; other bugs away. Now we know that the phenols in cedar harm our furry little friends lungs, and do not recommend that cedar be used any more. Pine, while it also contains phenols, is safe once it is kiln dried. Kiln drying removes the harmful phenols from pine (but NOT cedar). Aspen is also another good choice.
Reply:I would stay away from them all. i would get the newspaper type. they are not news paper, they are only the color. they are recycled paper. the Shavings are not the part that is bad, its the Dust they make... the paper ones dont have the dust.
Reply:Pine and cedar are both bad choices for a substrate. The aromatic hydrocarbons they produce can cause respiratory and liver problems.

I suggest using aspen shavings, or even newspaper.
Reply:Pine and cedar shavings are bad for small animals because it can cause respiratory system problems, changes in their liver, inflammation,asthma, and allergic reactions. Pine and cedar are the same thing. So thats why you shouldn't use both. Cedar is actually used for killing insects.
Reply:Both pine and cedar aren't ideal for pets.Cedar is worse then pine. They used to be the bedding of choice, but, it turns out that long term exposure to the aromatic oils can cause respiratory issues in animals.

Aspen is considered the ideal wood bedding.. Other options a pine pellets like Feline Pine or the type sold for use in pellet stoves as the process of pelletizing them removes most of the aromatic oils.

Other options are the carefresh beddings made out of paper products..

I house my rabbits with aspen as the main bedding and wood pellets in the litterbox and corners of the cage. The pellets seem to be a lot more absorbent then carefresh in my opinion..
Reply:Pine and Aspen are good, Cedar is bad. I read cedar is bad and actually I havent even ever seen it at a store. Only pine and aspen which I read are good.

I use both for my hamster/mice.
Reply:It's not you don't want too some tend to get skin irritations from it, but mine were all fine, horse, guinea pig, rabbit, chickens, ferret and squirrels. It's a natural flea repellent and great smell. Pine is good just don't absorb the odor like cedar, most do well with cedar or you can mix it 50/50.
Reply:Pine and cedar are softwoods which contain chemicals called phenols. These have been shown to cause severe respiratory problems in most small animals. Cedar especially can be fatal.

The only type of pine that is safe is kiln dried, as most of the phecols will have gone out of it.

It is much better to use a totally safe bedding such as aspen or carefresh.

Check out these links for more info:

Name of a pine tree you would meet your spiritual person?

If you believe in this....whenever you desire to meet your spiritual person secretly, which pine tree you should stand by to wait that person? I would like to have a pine to grow for my special spiritual people.

Name of a pine tree you would meet your spiritual person?
For the sake of the Earth, grow lots of pine trees and stand by any or all of them, for that matter.
Reply:no idea what you are talking about but i will vote for Bristlecone Pine, the oldest being Methusela which some people cut down like idiots...
Reply:Better living through chemistry, eh?

How about using Pine Sol in My bissell for carpet cleaning?

Man I have one room's carpet is just nasty. I can't pull it up yet but will soon because we are working our way in that direction in laying down laminate flooring. I am trying to cover up the smell in the carpet temporarily. How about Pine Sol in the carpet cleaner?

I have already tried, Pet cleaners, baking soda, white vinager, dish soap, tide...

I have company and I am just trying to keep it the smell at bay for about a day while they are here.

Odor is from bad pet stains and urine.

What do you think of Pine Sol? I guess I can't ruin the carpet anymore...anyone tried this?

How about using Pine Sol in My bissell for carpet cleaning?
oxy clean , and stop using the pine sol, unless you want to smell lioke a hospital ward,
Reply:I don't like Pine Sol, personally, because professional cleaners (including a friend of mine) told me that it is used mainly for the smell, and doesn't clean well.

I would get on or and see what customer reviews are saying about various products, or call in a professional, which I plan on doing soon, because I don't want the backbreaking work and they are sure to do it better, and leave it less wet.

This works GREAT! If you are even close to a petsmart pick some up.
Reply:Pine Sol is a little oily, it'll leave a residue that will attract dirt. There are commercial odor liquids made expressly for carpet water extraction machines. try one.
Reply:Pine Sol would be o.k. but a dead give away of covering something up.....try Super Odor Renuzit....
Reply:Ive used pinesol to clean carpets before. just dont use so much. i love the smell but its never good when it actually smells like a pine tree took the worlds biggest dump in your house.

I know that pine bedding is bad for hamsters, but . . .?

I bought my hamster a little Snak Shack bridge, which claims to be 100% edible.. Pine shavings are among the ingredients. The other ingredients are cassava starch, alfalfa, water, honey, glycerin, etc. It doesn't smell like pine . . .

Should I give it to him?

I know that pine bedding is bad for hamsters, but . . .?
Pine is only bad if hamsters breathe in the toxins from it and if its in a toy or something it is perfectly fine for it
Reply:yea, i think it would be ok
Reply:Yeah it would be ok
Reply:No. I wouldn't just to be safe. Better safe than sorry!
Reply:Pretty sure that it's ok!

Good luck!!!
Reply:i use pine bedding for my hamster. she has only gotten sick once. (my little sister offerred it a hot cheeto, which gave her a minor case of dihharria) other than that, i have had her for quite a while. anyway, i think pine is perfectly safe for your hamster to eat if in a small amount. cedar however....... is not a good choice.
Reply:no it could kill him my guinea pig was sneezing when he smelled the pine.


Bitter taste days after eating pine nuts...and ideas how to get rid of it?

I tried some pine nuts about 5 days ago. About a day after eating them I have noticed a very bitter taste in my mouth.

Then I went and did some reading on pine nuts and discovered that this bitter taste is common after eating pine nuts. Its been about 4 days and I still have the bitter taste.

Anyone know what causes this? I am guessing it creates some kind of reaction in your body which causes the bitter taste. Anyone know anything that works to counteract it?

Bitter taste days after eating pine nuts...and ideas how to get rid of it?
Try chewing some fresh parsley, it works great after eating garlic, so it may help after pine nuts also.
Reply:I've never gotten a bitter taste after I've eaten pine nuts. But if you still have the bitter taste after today you should make an appointment with your dentist asap.
Reply:yeah brush your teeth and use some mouthwash.

Pine Needles and Grass?

I am planning on roto-tilling my backyard to prepare for grass. The ground is covered with pine needles used as a ground covering in the "Natural Area". I know that needles can be acidic, so I am wondering whether I should rake them up and remove them or just roto-till them into the dirt. Obviously, I do not want to impead my grass with some acid, but it would be a lot easier to not remove them.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Pine Needles and Grass?
A few needles won't hurt, but I'd remove them. Leaf blowers work well for this chore.
Reply:I live in the mountains, surrounded by Ponderosa Pines, with needles everywhere. Needles, although, acidic, are going to be a fact of life with your grass. Mulching them in at about 25-35% ratio is the way we've done our grassy area. I'd just rake over lightly, then till the rest into the soil. I use them in compost too.
Reply:Doest matter what you till in,but if you are going to till for the next season make sure you work in urea. Straight nitrogen This will a very good base for next year, leave it for now. This and keep it black, keep on rototilling, get rid of those little weeds, late fall or early spring, I like Kentuckey Blue grass. If you think you have a problem with acidic nats. Spread some potash on it, trust me youll not need that, when you plant the grass next year apply 11-48-0 fertilizer very gently and you will have a lawn that you have not dreamed of

imax theater

Can I use Pine Tar Shampoo on my dog?

My dog is itchy %26amp; flakey! He is a black lab shepherd mix, about 50 lbs. He is aprox. 2 1/2 years old. He has frontline on him. I've also been giving him the proper dosage of benedryl to help him but I feel bad about giving him medicine all the time. I changed his diet to lamb %26amp; rice because of his itching. He is still itching -- it's been about a month since I switched his food. I have some Grandpa's Wonder Pine Tar shampoo %26amp; I was wondering if I could use it on my dog.

The ingredients are: water, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium chloride, pinus palustris (pine) tar oil, cocamide DEA, di (hydrogenated) tallow phthalic acid amide, polymethoxy bicyclic oxazolidine, fragrance.

I'm looking for a more natural way to soothe his itchy skin and was wondering if this shampoo would be good for him. Thank You.

Can I use Pine Tar Shampoo on my dog?
I'd be careful with too many chemicals for your pooch they can be more sensitive than s a website you can find something similar

Pine Bluff Municipal Airport (Pine Bluff, AR)?

I am having a friend of mine send me a puppy from africa by airmail. Can she arrange for it to be flew to the Pine Bluff airport so I can pick it up? Or will I have to have it sent to Little Rock National Airport? Keep in mind I live in Star City and Pine Bluff is a lot closer than Little Rock! I didn't know if I could do that though.

Pine Bluff Municipal Airport (Pine Bluff, AR)?
I think it will have to be sent to an international airport because of customs. the dog will have to be quarantined for a certain length of time. I'd check with US Customs to make sure you are following the law.

Pine or Redwood Deck?

We have a 10' by 10' area on the side of our house and are considering putting a deck there. The area is surrounded on 2 sides by walls. The other 2 sides border our screened in concrete patio, and our lawn. The deck area will have a cover on it, and will not be battered by wind (As the 2 walls create a wind block). Winters here are mild, and summer temps are on average 99-100 degrees. Should I use pine or redwood? I looked at Lowes, and found that Pine is 1/2 the price of redwood, and seems to be pretty durable. I am not concerned about the look of the wood, but the durability. Will Pine or Redwood work better?

Pine or Redwood Deck?
If I were you, I would stay away from pine decking. As far as redwood goes, most of the new redwood has huge growth rings and does not stand up to bugs and decay like the old growth wood. If you were going to put down a redwood deck, I would use 2x6 S4S grade B or better..quarter sawn. Conheart has too many knots! I would spend some bucks here. Carefully select the lumber. The best would be to find recycled old growth redwood 2 x 6s. I have some 50 year old stuff with super dense growth rings and it will last for 50 more years!
Reply:The deck outback of my home is redwood and we have had it for almost 20 years and it still looks almost brand new. It is a bit more pricey, but much more durable. It helps though to apply an all weather clear coat to the deck to protect it from sun, rain and wind damage.
Reply:redwood will last longer
Reply:Your best bet is using pressure treated Douglas Fir for it all. Never use Pine outdoors. You can watch it rot . If you want the look of Redwood then do all of your framing with Doug Fir and cover with Redwood. Use Square-Drive deck screws. When using a screw gun Sq. drive screws do not strip out like Philips screws do . You can bury Doug Fir posts in concrete footers without hurting them. It's well worth the extra money to build it this way considering that if it was built of Pine things would start going bad in just a couple of years and within 10 years probably need rebuilding. There's No money-savings that way. Good Luck. Also, take your Lowes bid and go to Home Depot and they will beat the price, then take back to Lowes and they'll lower it again. It's your money. Let them fight for it.
Reply:i would check into the new decking materials at lowes that are almost plastic as they hold up way better than traditional materials.
Reply:Check the link below for a nice booklet how to build a RW deck. From the California Redwood Association.

I recommend redwood because it is a much more durable wood for outdoor projects such as decks. You could use cedar, if available. Redwood contains a natural decay and insect resistant chemical in the heartwood - tannins (tannic acid) - that gives it the rich, red color. Try to pick all red redwood for your appearance boards on the decking, handrails, seats, steps, etc. The yellow sapwood contains little, if any, tannins, which is not resistant to rot, fungus or wood eating bugs. Take your time to choose nice looking wood - there is a lot of mixed heart %26amp; sapwood.

You can use pressure-treated pine or fir for the joists, beams and posts underneath your deck and stain them to match the color of your redwood where they are visible. You might want to apply a transparent or semi-transparent stain to the redwood to give it a uniform color and a measure of weather protection. Don't paint your deck unless you enjoy repainting every few years.

Pay attention to the recommended types of fasteners for corrosion resistance and compatibility with any pressure treatments. For the redwood, use hot-dipped galvanized nails and deck screws (square hole are reliable) or stainless steel. Do not use electrogalvanized fasteners - the zinc coating is virtually worthless for exterior fasteners. For the pressure treated lumber, check with your lumber manufacturer for fastener recommendations.

I also included a link to Simpson Strong Tie for their deck construction booklet.

Good luck.
Reply:Redwood would hold up years longer than Pine.
Reply:spend the money on redwood. the fir will be susceptible to wood eating insects and unless you can ensure moisture control will rot substantially quicker.
Reply:Properly treated is the key (see above post) but Redwood is the more durable wood. It resists mold and dry rot much better than pine. It sounds like that will be your biggest issue given the location of your deck. I would go with the redwood.
Reply:Either one should work well provided that the wood is properly treated and protected.

Redwood is harder and may last longer; and I expect it would be more expensive.
Reply:Save the Redwoods!
Reply:Red wood, I use it myself.

Cedar and pine shavings = BAD?

Look, I know this is not necessarily a question as it is a warning. It's just that I still see people suggesting that they should use cedar and pine shavings as a bedding for their pet. They both can cause respiratory problems (cedar more than pine). Well, cedar is definitely out of the question, because it can be proven that it's dangerous. Pine, while soft and tempting, can also be dangerous, to a lesser extent. Although, there are some brands of pine shavings that has removed the toxins. Anyway, I've read that someone who wrote a review for a cedar shavings product said that they were great, despite the fact that everyone says they're toxic. So I guess the real question is, why won't you rather be safe than sorry?

Cedar and pine shavings = BAD?
I agree with you 100%.

It is good that you are trying to educate the Public on this.
Reply:i work in a pet store and see people buying cedar all the time....i will usually warn them about it but some people are just dead set against buying something like cell-sorb which may be a bit more expensive but is so much better for ur pet.
Reply:Drives me nuts, that and people who keep insisting that you put rabbits on mesh bottomed cages. I don't believe in mesh bottomed cages for any animal (well except birds as they aren't usually on the bottom) but rabbits have NO PADS on their feet. It would be worse than a human on mesh, it would be like a human kneeling on mesh all day.

Also mesh can catch claws and feet and whatnot.

People really have no clue half the time, like people saying I have to give my rabbits commercial rabbit food *rofl*
