Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pine tree outside has nothing but brown needles...?

I live north of Houston, and there's a pine in my backyard that looks completely fine, except that almost all of the needles are brown now (only a few are still green.) Neighboring pines in the yard all have plenty of green pine needles... it's only this one with brown needles.

This tree gets plenty of water (not too much) and has exposure to the sun. So any idea what the problem could be?

Pine tree outside has nothing but brown needles...?
To me it sounds like you could have a good case of pine needle bore or pine bark bore. At this point in time the tree will not come back. Once the needles all go brown and fall or will fall it is done. Check your other trees for it while you are taking down this one. Pine needle bores are cause by a Pine moth and it lays it eggs in the needles itself. So you will need a magnifying glass to check some of the good green branches. Too check the bark for holes and sap. If you find them go to your local Lowe's or Home depot and get some systemic insecticide to put down under them. The tree will take it up in its roots and kill the bores. Too you can paint it right on the bark if need be too so it gets into the holes. Make sure you follow the mixing directions on the lable for more is NOT better when it comes to any kind of garden chemical. Sorry to hear about the tree. Are you sure it is not some kind of Larch. Larch will look like pine, make small cones like pines and drop all needles each year with out fail. Keep that in mind. Happy gardening.
Reply:Apple is good for health...

it improves your complexion well.face becomes very lighting... Report It

Reply:Get A Life You Sad Little Homo Report It

Reply:It has a fungus and should be sprayed with an anti fungus spray. We had the same problem this summer with one of our blue spruce trees. Our tree is fine now.
Reply:Sounds like spider mites...spray with Volck QUICKLY.
Reply:The pine tree is dead. Needs to be cut down. :)

I live in Houston area as well,the tree is dead due to pine beetles.The beetles can affect other pine trees as well.

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