Sunday, May 16, 2010

Droopy Norfolk Pine (Indoor)?

I have a norfolk pine that I have had for about 6 months. It was healthy until approx 3-4 weeks ago, around the time change from Daylight Savings, when it started to get really droopy. I have it near a window for natural sunlight, it is well watered and fertilized I have even tried spraying it with water to simulate humidity and moisture. It is still quite dark green and the tips are a lighter green but all of the branches are starting to droop and sag noticeably. I have had a previous norfolk pine and this did not happen in the late Fall/Winter.....any tips to resurrect my tree??? Thanks

Droopy Norfolk Pine (Indoor)?
I would suggest getting a florescent light, perhaps with a timer and add more light to its day.

Also you might reduce watering - don't add more unless the top inch or so of soil is dry. And the next time you water, water over the drain watering until water is flowing out from the pot, to reduce any built up salts. Reduce fertilizer.

Overwatering kills more plants than under. Also make sure you are using salt free water, that has had time to come to room temp, to avoid shocking the roots.

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