Saturday, November 14, 2009

Getting Dry Wall dust off V-Match pine.?

My fiance and I are building a house and we just finished putting up v-match pine in our living room, but the dry wall dust from the dry wall we had put up before we did the pine is all over the pine. What is the best way to get this dust off? Thanks.

Getting Dry Wall dust off V-Match pine.?
It'll prolly take several thorough vacuuming of the entire area before all the dust is gone... and you need to get rid of ALL the dust.

Sometimes it's helpful to blow off the area - paneling, ceiling, floor w/clean, dry, oil-free air between vacuumings.

Once you think you've gotten all the dust (sometimes wishful thinking *L*) then use a tack rag.

Good luck, it usually gets easier from here...
Reply:run the vacuum.
Reply:Try using a tack cloth, found in the paint department.

Vacuum out as much as you can first with a brush attachment.

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